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Gothic piercings

Today, it seems that tattoos are overshadowing the many different ways people choose to decorate their body. For example, body jewelry has been an integral form of expression for every culture. These traditions have been around for thousands of years.

Throughout time, man has fashioned stone, metal, bone and wood into some of the most fascinating pieces of body jewelry. This act has taken new shapes and forms with some of the examples we encounter on an everyday basis, especially within the younger generation of today. Typically, the four main kinds of body piercing within the United States: ear, tongue, nipple and belly button.

One of the most popular forms of body jewelry display is seen through the piercing of the ears. This is also the most widely accepted form within today's society. It is a practice that is viewed in both the male and female gender, from the elderly to infants. Most times, one or two holes are the standard in ear piercing, making way for a wide range of birthstones, hoops, and stud earrings.

Tongue piercing is rather popular today, especially in the college and music crowd. This is a form of body jewelry that is popular with both men and women, who often boast of not only the appearance of the piercing, but of its purported sexual possibilities. Jewelry, such as studs, hoops and bars are often placed within the tongue.

Although the piercing of the belly button is most common in females, it is not uncommon to find a man or two showing off their washboard stomach with a stud. Some of the body jewelry most popular with this form of piercing is hoops, studs, jeweled decorations, as well as dangling symbols like silver or gold trinkets.

Nipple piercing may sound a bit extreme to some, but it is also a popular form of expression, as well as physical stimulation. Often, a basic loop is involved with this form of piercing, but there are additional approaches to this body art option, such as bars and other decorations. Both men and women partake in this piercing choice.

When choosing to pierce any part of your body, even your ears, it is strongly recommended to take safely precautions wherever you decide to have it done. There are a handful of places that will pierce various parts of your body. The most common place to get your ears pierced is in the mall or within a jewelry store. This is as far as they will go in the body piercing department. To get body parts, such as the nipple or tongue pierced, you will have to seek out a reputable tattoo parlor to have this done.

Body piercing demands a high level of sterilization when having the process done. The act should be completed with someone who has a lot of experience, as well as professional credentials. You don't want just anyone with a sharp needle to do work on your body. The equipment should also be disposable, as well as sterilized. Many people turn to a friend for their first body piercing, but keep in mind that you run the serious risk of developing an infection. Also, be aware that if you do not keep your piercing holes open, they will close and the process will have to be done all over again.

Gothic tattoo

There are several tattoo styles that are gaining popularity in America. Though, in ways they are very similar, the differences can either make or break a tattoo. Understanding the differences can be crucial for a tattoo artist. The continuity and flow of Celtic knots, to the proper look of Bio-Mechanics. There are many different styles, however to go through them all, it would be a bit much. In this series of articles that I like to call "The many faces of tattoos", you will learn the different types, and techniques of tattoos that exist in our country. There will also be some examples of artists which have helped to inspire the style of tattooing.

Bio-Mechanical Tattoos: Bio-Mechanical tattoos, or as most call it Bio-Mech is a style of tattooing which depicts living robotics (human robotics). The most popular artist of whom has made this style of tattooing more popular, is illustrator H.R. Giger, of whom designed the creatures from the Alien movies. Majority of Bio-mechanical tattoos show flesh intermingling with machinery. Often times you will see bio-mechanical tattoos done in Grey wash, as it helps to find a flow between flesh tones, and the ink. However, if done properly, color can give a new intriguing look to bio-mech.

Grey wash (Black and gray tattoos): This style of tattooing was once believed to have been derived from prison tattoos, as getting your hand on colored ink was fairly difficult. It was soon brought fourth into mainstream tattooing, it was refined in the late 1970's, turning grey wash into the next big hit. Grey wash is usually used in a portrait tattoo, or anything that you are wishing to achieve a realistic effect. As said before, most of your Bio-mechanics are preformed with your grey wash technique. You can either purchase pre-made grey wash, or you can make your own by adding drops of water to a small amount of black.

Gothic style tattoos: Though there are many different types of "Goth." tattoos, such as skulls, or pents, or all the way to your more candy coated tattoos filled with bright colors, and ironic designs. Though the two styles are very different, they are one of the most predominant tattoo styles in the US. Chances are, if someone has a body suit, they will have at least one skull in the collection. The designs are endless, and not only "Goths" can get them.

Tribal tattoos: This form of tattoos has been practiced for centuries through a plethora of tattoo styles. Though most tribal tattoos are received by those who do not understand their background, simply for their striking appearance there is a thick history in tribal style tattoos. Historically, getting a tattoo was a right of passage, many girls were required to get facial tattoos before they were able to marry. The boy, would be considered un-fit to become a man if he couldn't handle the pain from the tattoo. Though tribal tattooing is common in America, it is hard to find an artist capable of completing the tattoo in one sitting. Between the need for straight, or flowing lines and the thick solid fill, it is a difficult tattoo to preform. It will take time and practice to get an even distribution of ink. I would suggest Kuro Sumi tribal black ink.

Gothic hairstyles

For gothic hairstyles, consider clip-in hairpieces before choosing more permanent solutions such as hair coloring, bonding, weaving, protein tips or mini-locks. That's because long term changes to your hair color or hairstyle causes damage from bleaching and other chemical processes. With colored Gothic hair falls or Gothic hair extensions, there's no risk at all. And if you don't like the fake hair, you can remove them immediately.

Unlike more permanent Gothic hair extensions, which are attached to the hair professionally and stay in for roughly three months, the clip-in Gothic hair falls can be removed instantaneously. Therefore, you have more choices in changing your hairstyles. You can clip Gothic hair falls in and change your style literally every day by ordering different colors, textures and lengths.

Clip-In hair falls are more affordable and are suitable with most hair types. They take only minutes to put in and seconds to take out. Unlike permanent hair extensions, they do not result in hair breakage. Clip-In Gothic hair falls make it easy to have long, thick hair in a matter of minutes with no more waiting around for your hair to grow out.

Synthetic hair falls are more affordable than human hairpieces and are a great way to achieve a unique look for an event. Synthetic hair fiber is low maintenance and the style and color will not change when washed in cold water, if you are caught in the rain or if you live in a humid climate. With the exception of a few heat-friendly synthetic fibers, you will not be able to change the style of your synthetic Gothic hair falls using heating tools.

Synthetic hairpieces or Gothic hair falls come in a wide range of colors with multi-dimensional tones to blend with your own hair. Synthetic hair fibers are lightweight and fine to mimic the look and movement of 100% human hair. If your Gothic hair falls is properly maintained, you may get a minimum of one to three months wear.

Or you may opt for 100% human hairpieces over synthetic if you a more natural-looking hairstyle. 100% human hair reflects light just as your own would, so you cannot tell where your hair stops and the human hairpieces continue. Also, you can use heating tools with real human hair falls. When properly cared for, 100% human hairpieces lasts much longer than synthetic ones and maintain their beauty for a year or longer.

Gothic makeup

Goth makeup is a contrast between white and black and gives the wearer a rather ominous looking presence. This kind of makeup is a subculture that started in Europe in the 1980s after the punk movement. The punk movement was started by a bunch of young people who liked a certain kind of music. While punk was full of bright colors, goth is not. Like the punk subculture, the gothic subculture was founded around music.

The gothic subculture is an aesthetically dark culture. Its followers where dark clothing, usually black and they also wear black makeup. Trench coats, chains and thick black boots are characteristic fashions for this subculture. This type of dress is off putting to many people. The dark colors, the chains and the dark face makeup make goth followers look intimidating.

Goths is also fascinated with the dark side. Followers tend to be interested in death, horror and dark imagery. This does not mean that followers are violent people, though they do get characterized as violent because of their interests and the way they dress.

Fashion is an important to any true subculture. It's almost like a uniform for that subculture. It lets the outside world know that they are a part of something different than traditional society. As mentioned before, the subculture focuses on dark colors, specifically black.

Goth makeup accents the dark look. The basic makeup includes wearing extremely dark, heavy, black eyeliner around the eyes. Followers tend to use liquid eyeliner because it goes on darker and thicker than regular eyeliner. Gothic men and women wear this makeup. Black lipstick is also a very basic look. Some followers will put light gray lipstick on their lips and cross over their lips with darker lines, giving the impression that their lips are sewn shut. Blood red lipstick is also a popular goth style lipstick.

To contrast the dark facial outlines, gothic followers decorate their faces in all white makeup. This contrast helps the makeup standout and is especially effective if there's dark makeup all over the eyes. The whole idea behind this is to make the individual standout. This is why you will never see makeup that is modestly applied.

Gothic jewelry

Have you ever had this feeling like you don’t care about anything, because nobody understands your problems? Like everybody thinks they know you – but don’t. They just don’t get what your real problems and feelings are? Well then it was time to feel depressed and dress gothic!

There is nothing wrong with feeling depressed. We all do sometimes. Yet, I’m not a doctor to give you a medical advise – so use it at your own risk. As far as I know – depression often happens to those who has nothing to do. People who has no hobby, no regular work to occupy their mind, no entertainment, no spouse. There is only one way to get rid of depression I know (without using high-price pills). It is through the long path of finding yourself and your hobby.

Searching for yourself and your hobby - you can try gothic thing. It might be interesting for you some time, and there are good chances you'll find something more interesting. At least you are doing new things, which can lead you to new ways of looking at world. At least I always enjoyed new paths in life - it always leads to new decisions.

Shall we see in deep dark history of topic. When the dragons were eating beautiful virgin princesses and knight were drinking beer on ballrooms of castles, sometimes fighting for a hand of a beautiful ladies and hanginging witches. Kidding. Anyway, it Dark Ages it was. Dark.. I mean reallly really dark. That is what gothic is about – black, dark, nothing white and nothing positive in nature.

Gothic jewelry is always mystical and hard to understand. You can find amulets with dark dragons and pendants symbolising spider-webs, gettin you in the mood of ages with rooms of castles, never visited since the beginning of times. If you heart is something like that (forgotten and lonesome, like nobody touched it from the begginning of ages, because they just don’t understand you? All right! Get a pendant with web on your heart - show everybody to get their attention to you until your heart is full of webs.

Probably it will not be good to to buy anything shaped with devils themes, gargoyles and pentagrams. Better think ahead – who knows what is there on the other side of life - so you might want to get a little insurance right now to protect your immortal soul later. But! It's your life – want it – get it. It's everywhere nowadays - you shouldn't have problems buying gothic things – all around the Internet.

Gothic jewelery is sometimes inscribed with letters in unknown forgotten language, which strengthens the scare. Gothic is always scary (or at least a bit frightening), so don’t be surprised to draw a lot of attention from people who see you dressed gothic and with gothic make up (which is simply all black or with a little purple). To add to your image – get some spiky things. Earrings, rings, pendants, bracelets. Jewelery of Gothic must have spikes and curves – it’s just a base of it.

I hope when you are fed up with attention to your gothic nature – you’ll get rid of your depressive feelings forever and start wearing funny-bunny pendants, rose glasses and put some bright colors on you, making world a little happier place.

Gothic Fashion

Black is certainly one of the main staples of Goth fashion, and has been for a number of years. However, black is such a versatile color, and it takes more than putting on a black outfit to call yourself a Goth. True, the Goth subculture itself isn't really about fashion. However, you tell the world something about yourself by the way you dress.

What is the purpose of dressing like a Goth? To express yourself. Now, while black is a good default, many Goths add other colors to their outfits such as grey or white.

More and more, you see rich colors such as hot pink, dark red, and royal blue as part of Goth outfits. Despite all these trends, one thing remains the same: The main color is black.

The right accessories are most important when you dress according to the Goth style. Lots of jewelry, and often piercings, are a hallmark of the style. Silver or pewter jewelry is common, usually in dramatic or chunky styles.

What's also popular are religious symbols, which are frequently worn as pendants. It's an important part of one's identity. You'll often see a lot of gloves and sleeves (arm warmers). Patterned tights are common. Working color into Goth fashion can be done with fishnet or striped tights.

If you're looking to dress in the Goth style, it's easy to find clothes that will work. One great place to start is at a local thrift shop. This way, you find lots of stuff for cheap, and you'll be able to alter it to your tastes. You can dye it or add studs.

But you can even find the right clothes at a lot of retail stores. Since there are more people than ever who want to dress like Goths, a lot of stores are catering to the trend. You can make your outfit unique with your own jewelry and accessories.

You have thousands of choices when it comes to dressing in Goth fashion.

Gothic dresses

Gothic aesthetics is something that usually shocks others and is generally frowned upon, but little do those who do not understand it know that being goth is about this one thing: art.

In today's world, underground and more obscure types of culture, music, and fashion are very hard to come by due to its scarcity. Hot Topic is definitely the 'biggest' fashion store for gothic culture and other types of similar interests (yet the popularity is seldom). Goths are found here and about, but there are many people who wish to stick with more 'mom and pop' or 'DIY"
(Do It Yourself) type chains.

Hot Topic, as well as other places in a big city may not be exactly what people are looking for due to price and availability of the desired gothic clothing; many have now started using the internet to search for gothic-related clothing and items for purchase rather than having only things in a normal store available to them.

Finding these stores may be a bit hard for others due to the lack of them on the internet, but if you prefer to buy clothing, as well as other gothic related items, using a smaller mailorder type website is your best bet. 'Big chainstore' generally translates into, 'big factories' which means that the items you are buying are not usually paid attention to and given the detail that it requires to end up with a quality product.

Finding quality gothic related clothing products for a good price is hard to come by at any given major chain store, so finding more of a smaller place is definitely your best bet for getting the quality product that you want for an even cheaper price than you'd pay in a store located in a mall.